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Jurors include senior PR professionals from agency, corporate, nonprofit and government teams, as well as service company and PR education professionals. Judges will be chosen because of their professional and wide-ranging level of expertise.

Campaign and Technique categories will be conducted as “blind” judging where nominating organizations’ names are withheld from the jurors. In your entry, we recommend replacing any mention of your organization with “Agency” or “Company.” Understandably, it may not be possible to remain completely anonymous in any supporting materials such as videos or PDFs, but we aim to remove as much potential juror bias upon initial review of your entry as possible.

Any juror who has a potential conflict of interest, including, but not restricted to, working for an agency that submitted that campaign and/or being involved with any aspect of the project, will not be allowed to judge that entry. Jurors may move entries between categories if deemed to be unsuitable for the category entered, but appropriate for another. Category changes will be made solely at the discre­tion of the judges and their decisions will be final.

PRWeek reserves the right to not award a winner or honorable mention in any category that has fewer than three entries. If there are fewer than three entries, the companies that submitted will be returned their entry fee.

All jurors will be required to sign a confidentiality agree­ment that bans them from disclosing information from entry submissions. A maximum of five entries from each category will make up our shortlist of finalists. Judges do not discuss their individual scores with anyone — not even each other. As such, the winners are not known until Awards night itself.
